Videos zu Autismus: neurodiverses Denken

Der Artikel wurde am 17.07.2024 aktuallisiert oder erweitert.

Eine große und stetig aktualisierte Liste von Videos zum Thema Autismus im Bereich Autismus verstehen und neurodiverses Denken. Die Videos sind für das Grundverständnis und somit für (fast) alle Altersklassen gedacht.


  1. Dr. Mark Benecke beim Autism Pride Day Bonn (DE)
  2. TEDx: Jac den Houting: Why everything you know about autism is wrong (EN)
  3. TEDx: Tashi Baiguerra: My brain isn’t broken (EN)
  4. Vortrag Tobias Schuwerk – "Partizipative Aufklärung im Projekt Heureka!"
  5. Cynthia Coupé: Neurodiversity: The New Normal
  6. TEDx: Autism: How to be normal (and why not to be) | Jolene Stockman

Dr. Mark Benecke beim Autism Pride Day Bonn

Vom White Unicorn e.V., über : Autismus, Pride, Gender, Sex & Liebe im Spektrum

Absolut sehens- und hörenswert

Dr. Mark Benecke vom White Unicorn e.V. beim Autism Pride Day Bonn

Er redet meistens viel zu schnell – für einige von uns, jedoch als ein Tausendsassa (Kriminalbiologe, Tierschützer, Schriftsteller, Politiker, Schauspieler und vieles mehr) hat er ein enormes Erfahrungsspektrum. Für mich jedoch ist seine wundervolle Art, so fachlich fundiert, so einfach und doch super verständlich über Autismus zu sprechen, dass ich immer wieder von Allisten ein "wow" als das Feedback bekomme.

Ein Live-Vortrag zu und über Autismus, sowie was uns Autisten andersartig macht. Nicht schlechter, sondern anders. Von Denkstrukturen, der Verdrahtung im Gehirn, von Kindern bis hin zur Partnerschaft.

Ein wirklich sehenswerter Vortrag und meine deutliche Empfehlung!

Hier der Link auf

TEDx: Why everything you know about autism is wrong

Absolut sehens- und hörenswert

Wir werden durch unser Umfeld zu Behinderten gemacht. Jac den Houting legt den Finger tief in die "Wunde". Sie fokussiert sich auf die Themen Neurodiversität (alle Menschen sind unterschiedlich), die soziale Sicht der Behinderung als Gegenreaktion auf das medizinische Modell (negative Einstellungen und Ausgrenzung) sowie der Theorie des "double empathy problem". Den Text dazu gibt es in einem weiteren Beitrag.

Eine knapp 15 min lange Rede, welche die Sicht auf das Thema Autismus deutlich von den bisherigen medizinischen Betrachtungen unterscheidet, mit dem Ziel, dass wir uns alle doch bitte mal auf Augenhöhe begegnen könnten …

Das Transcript zu "Why everything you know about autism is wrong"

Das Transcript (den Text zu der Rede) gibt es hier zum nachlesen.

TEDx: My brain isn’t broken | Tashi Baiguerra | TEDx London

Zitat: In March 2018, 21 year old Tashi Baiguerra received a diagnosis that would finally allow her to understand why she wasn’t always able to make sense of things that everyone else seemed to find straightforward. Symptoms and characteristics that she had previously thought of as ‘failures’, were actually traits of her Asperger’s Syndrome.

At first, Tashi believes her diagnosis, along with feelings of fear, loneliness and shame often projected onto people with Autism, would dictate her career and life choices. However, through her own powerful journey, she encourages us to see and understand individuals with neurodiversity and other disabilities radically differently. As an actress with Asperger\’s Syndrome, Tashi Baiguerra is proud to be a voice for the Autism community through her work.

A dreamer, with accolades for both Autistic and non-Autistic roles, Tashi moved to work in the thriving London theatre scene after graduating from the Howard Fine Acting Studio in Melbourne, Australia in 2017. In London, she trained with Frantic Assembly Theatre Company and currently works as a physical theatre performer and folk musician.

Selbsthilfetag Autismus, Vortrag Tobias Schuwerk – "Partizipative Aufklärung im Projekt Heureka!"

Absolut sehens- und hörenswert

Im Rahmen des Selbsthilfetags Autismus hält PD Dr. Tobias Schuwerk (LMU München) einen Vortrag zum Thema "Partizipative Autismus-Aufklärung im Projekt Heureka!". Weitere Informationen unter:

Neurodiversity: The New Normal | Cynthia Coupé | TEDx @ Ocala

By now, most of us know what autism is, but do we know what neurodiversity is? With 40% of the total population suspected of being neurodivergent, we should! In this talk, Speech Language Pathologist Cynthia Coupe, MA, CCC-SLP describes what neurodiversity is, and what happens when neurodivergent individuals are not supported by society. Cynthia is a self-identified neurodivergent and mother of a daughter who has ADHD and is autistic. This talk will shift the paradigm bringing lasting change through education, identification, and support. A self-diagnosed neurodivergent, Cynthia is a Speech Language Pathologist committed to transforming traditional systems to better serve people with special needs. She has spent the past 20 years generating a strengths-based approach used with her clients and with teens and young adults on the autism spectrum.

With her diverse background of serving individuals in the clinical, hospital, home, and school settings, Cynthia has developed a unique perspective. Influenced by her background in Recreation Therapy and her own experience of raising a daughter with autism and ADHD, she aspires to be a lasting agent of change for this demographic in the next stage of her career.

Cynthia is the co-owner and CEO of Outreach Advocacy Resources and Services (OARS), Inc.

Cynthia has a double BA from San Francisco State University and an MA from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She graduated the top of class with the high honor being chosen as Outstanding Graduate Student by her professors. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Neurodiversity: The New Normal | Cynthia Coupé

TEDx: Autism: How to be normal (and why not to be) | Jolene Stockman

Jolene Stockman may appear normal from the outside, but it’s what’s invisible that gives her a superpower. Jolene shares her life since being diagnosed with autism. Jolene Stockman is an ultra-enthusiastic, multi-award winning Taranaki writer, who launched Braincandy, a media company specialising in transforming communication in 1998. She caught fire! Creating educational resources and supporting business growth through powerful writing and video – all fueled by humour and positivity. Jolene has gone on to publish three books for young adults, win media, education, and business awards, and become one of the youngest in the world to achieve the Distinguished Toastmaster Leadership Award.

But Jolene was always the weirdest person in the room. She still is – and now she knows why. It’s time to rewrite normal. Jolene is a dynamic speaker driven by themes of identity, neurodiversity, and world domination. Prepare for fireworks! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

How to be normal (and why not to be) | Jolene Stockman


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